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Divorce & Domestic Violence

We provide services to customers in all cases
Divorce & Domestic Violence

What is the Area of Law?

Divorce is a specialized area of family law that deals with the legal process of ending a marriage. It encompasses various legal issues, including the dissolution of marital assets, child custody, spousal support, and more. Navigating divorce proceedings can be complex, and having a knowledgeable attorney can be invaluable.

Domestic violence is a complex and sensitive area of law that deals with abusive behavior within familial or intimate relationships. It encompasses various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse, among others. This area of law aims to protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Do I Need an Attorney for this Law?

While it is possible to file for divorce without an attorney, it is highly recommended to consult with and hire a divorce attorney. Divorce involves many legal intricacies and potential complications, making professional legal guidance crucial. An experienced attorney can ensure your rights are protected and help you navigate the process effectively.

Signs That You Need a Area Lawyer

Complex Finances: If you and your spouse have significant assets, investments, or debts, it’s essential to have an attorney to help with property division and financial matters.

Child Custody Disputes: When child custody and visitation issues are contentious, an attorney can advocate for your parental rights and the best interests of your children.

Spousal Support: If spousal support (alimony) is a consideration, an attorney can help negotiate fair terms or represent you in court.

Domestic Violence: If there is a history of domestic violence or abuse in your marriage, an attorney can assist in obtaining protective orders and ensuring your safety.

Complex Legal Documents: Divorce involves extensive paperwork and legal documentation, which can be overwhelming without legal assistance.

Emotional Stress: Divorce is emotionally challenging, and having an attorney can alleviate some of the stress by handling legal matters on your behalf.

What is The Role of an Area Attorney?

  1. Complex Finances: If you and your spouse have significant assets, investments, or debts, it’s essential to have an attorney to help with property division and financial matters.
  2. Child Custody Disputes: When child custody and visitation issues are contentious, an attorney can advocate for your parental rights and the best interests of your children.
  3. Spousal Support: If spousal support (alimony) is a consideration, an attorney can help negotiate fair terms or represent you in court.
  4. Domestic Violence: If there is a history of domestic violence or abuse in your marriage, an attorney can assist in obtaining protective orders and ensuring your safety.
  5. Complex Legal Documents: Divorce involves extensive paperwork and legal documentation, which can be overwhelming without legal assistance.
  6. Emotional Stress: Divorce is emotionally challenging, and having an attorney can alleviate some of the stress by handling legal matters on your behalf.

Our Working Process

1. Planning The Case

  • Initial Consultation
  • Case Assessment
  • Strategy Development

2. Evaluate Situation

  • Document Preparation
  • Negotiation/Mediation

3. File The Case To The Court

  • Court Proceedings
  • Post-Divorce Matters

Questions You May Wonder?

With the worldwide pandemic, a number of industries have been negatively impacted, both in the short term and the long term.

Do you charge for a consultation?

No, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case. During this meeting, we will assess your situation, provide initial legal advice, and discuss potential fees and payment structures.

What about out-of-pocket fees?

We understand that legal expenses can be a concern. At our firm, we typically work on a contingency fee basis for personal injury cases. This means you won't have to pay any attorney's fees unless we win your case. However, for other types of cases, such as family law or business law, we may discuss different fee arrangements during the initial consultation.

Who will work on my case?

Lawyer James Lenihan will be assigned to handle your case. Mr. Lenihan is an experienced attorney with a proven track record in the area of law relevant to your case.

Does it matter how long I wait to file a lawsuit?

Yes, the timing of filing a lawsuit can be crucial. Statutes of limitations vary depending on the type of case and jurisdiction, and waiting too long may result in the loss of your legal rights. It's essential to consult with us as soon as possible to determine the appropriate timing for your case.

How much can I expect to win?

The potential outcome of your case depends on various factors, including the specific details of your case, the strength of your evidence, and the applicable laws. We cannot guarantee a specific amount, but we will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for you, whether that involves a settlement or court judgment. We'll discuss potential outcomes during our consultation.