lenihan (1)

Baria Kendezi

Administrative, Paralegal
Baria Kendezi

"Baria Kendezi work as Administrative Assistant/Paralegal and manage the day to day operations of this office."


biogrraphy & introduce

Baria Kendezi work as Administrative Assistant/Paralegal and manage the day to day operations of this office.

Baria Kendezi tasks range but are not limited to from ensuring that I remain in contact with clients and give them updates on their cases, proper time scheduling for court appearances/meetings/etc, gather client information, in contact with a multitude of courts/clerks/prosecutors/judge’s chambers to ensure they have the necessary information regarding our clients and attorney, e-filing documentation through the courts and other attorneys, secretarial duties, assist Mr. Lenihan with legal research, and etc.

Let's win together

Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1-2 business days. Or just call us now.


Vast knowledge regarding the law whether it comes to being the plaintiff or defendant in a case and keeping up to date with current changes within the legal world.

Honors & Awards

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